Friday, September 24, 2010

Is Your House in a Flood Zone?

With all of the flooding that seems to be happening around the country lately, you might want to take a minute to check to see of your home or a home you are thinking about buying or renting is in a flood zone. New flood maps are released on a regular basis, so even if your home was not in a flood zone when you bought it, the status might have changed.

On the website you can find out easily and quickly if your home is in a flood zone. Simply enter an address and you instantly see the flood zone information.

You really should really give this a try!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Amanda's Law goes into Effect on 2/22/2010

Carbon monoxide alarm requirements to go into effect February 22, 2010

As the result of legislation, Amanda’s Law will go into effect on February 22, 2010. It requires essentially all residences, both new and existing, to have carbon monoxide alarms installed. The specific requirements differ for new and existing residences and also on when the buildings were built and subcategories of occupancy groups.

Probably the most asked question will be the requirement for existing one and two family residences. They will be required to have one carbon monoxide alarm installed on the lowest story having a sleeping area.

The proposal to modify the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, in order to comply with Amanda's Law, is in the process of being adopted as an emergency rule. The following link provides the proposed code text and legislation, Amanda’s Law.